
Showing posts from December, 2012

The 'Adaptive' organisation

A lot is being said & pondered over the nature of the environment in which enterprises operate. The current environment is considered to be 'chaotic'. The 'Alignment' of the enterprise with the customer is considered to be the most important mantra for success.  I wonder what does alignment mean in the context where the environment is chaotic & the customer hence is not static. In my opinion organisations need 'dynamic alignment'. Organisations which are able to know the ingredients of what makes up for alignment & continuously gauge the shifts in the environment to keep themselves abreast with the latest parameters of alignment would be successful. Dynamic alignment needs 'Adaptive Organisations'. Adaptive organisations is a function of the People. It's your workforce. They way it is  recruited, developed, appreciated or rejected. Encouraged to take up new tasks. How is your workforce respected, trusted & celebrated.I think ...

When not at War..

In the current state of environment, it is apparent that the economies across the world are experiencing a demand side slow down, almost a contraction. The rate of growth has significantly come down leading to lowering the rate at which organisations need to work. Many companies have taken actions to close down a few shifts, some have closed down their plants, a few also have laid off people & some have postponed their capital expenditures. It almost is like passing through a phase of  industry cycle where you actually have spare capacity in almost everything. Similar to an Army which is not at war. Arguably Army represents one of the early formal organisational structures of work. It is of interest of explore 'when not at War what does the army do'? It seems that army views this period of time to be most appropriate time to sharpen it's weapons, plan new strategies, improve on the skills, think of buying & training on new weapons etc etc. When not at war is ...