2023 for Indian Fashion Supply Chains

The size of #GlobalFashionIndustry is almost the size of 6th or 7th largest economy of the world. China being the largest exporter while #europeanunion & #USA being the largest importers. #IndianFashionSupplyChains with the levers available are shaping up for the #realignedglobalsupplychains in the #fashionretailindustry be it #apparels or #footwear . My understanding of the key Supply Chain issues for Indian Fashion Retail for 2023 look like, a. International customer demand - Inherent characteristic of the #FashionRetail #supplychain is long ordering cycles. While we are in August 2022, order books for global customers for Christmas and New Year shall be booked. A slowdown in developed economies (due to #higherinflation which may have resulted lowering demand) may have left excess #inventory at the retailers. These customers of Indian Retail industry Supply Chain will slow down their demand in the coming months & quarters. Due to the long lead times, Indian ...