2017...Indian Supply Chain year that unfolded....
Indian Supply Chains had one of the most demanding year. CY 2017. Its been a year which needed nimble footed Supply Chains, it also needed Supply Chains which needed to appreciate that disruptions to Supply Chain don't only mean natural disruptions and it also meant that transitions to new way of working needs to evolve much faster than your own comfort. The year began with after effects of Demonetization.One of my agricultural industry clients which deals with Live Chicken had to face the challenges where the chicken is ready to be sold but the system couldn't have enough money to buy. Sales prices eroded and profits turned into losses in a matter of weeks. After effects of demonetization on FMCG/FMCD Supply Chain was drop in demand for a period which in 2017 eventually would go back. Many other examples can be quoted on Demonetization effect on Supply Chains in 2017. Automobile Sector Supply Chains of India had to also see a year where the shift from BS III to BS IV...