Trade Agreement & Supply Chain ROTI

ROTI stands for Return on Time Invested . I heard it from Mr. Uday Kotak. All courtesy for coining the term to him. I leverage on that term for Supply Chain application in the context of Trade Agreements. ------------- Data shows that Indian Enterprises have productivity much lesser than China or Vietnam or countries with whom India competes for global share of trade. Data like Labour cost % to GDP or measures like travel time, etc make the case very open that Indian industry has a higher cost to serve its customers. Indian Supply Chains were shielded from the impact of their lack of productivity due to government protecting them using levers at its disposal, predominantly Tariffs. With that shield used frequently, what it has done is it has built a high cost Supply Chain which is to large extent is not necessarily exposed to beyond border competition & is able to pass on the inefficiency to its customer. With BTA or FTA or even the Tariff war, it looks eminent that shield is ...