Realigning the Supply Chains

Supply Chain leaders have reached the crossroad, much faster than expected! By the time, Supply Chains stabilized post the 2008 crises, it is time for a paradigm shift, again. There has been no time in the past which is so pressing for the need to "Realign the Supply Chains" as it stands now, particularly, if you are an India based Supply Chain. 

My personal reading is that Realignment is not a jargon to be used but a reality to be embraced by the Supply Chain practitioners. "This time its different" will probably be a truth to be taken in your stride and not extend too much of "past" references into probable "future" Supply Chain.

I see four reasons for the need to realign
a) Impact of Trade Wars
b) Impact of Indian Government Initiatives
c) Surfacing of competition from unknown quarters
d) Emerging technologies driving Supply Chain realignment

In the recently held ET Edge Logistics & Supply Chain Summit, I spoke on Realigning the Supply Chains theme with the four pillars above. If we read the Supply Chain practitioners well, then there is no doubt that an Indian contextual Supply Chain will dramatically transform itself due one or all of the above reasons.


  1. It true, need to shift gear with new policies wherein trun around time is hardly any.
    Good post giving directions thought


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